This is the website for the SI 649 team working on the Smart Phone visualization. Our project has five main components that we plan to visualize with data:

1. Accelerometer data

2. Data from an orientation sensor

3. A light sensor, to measure the level of light

4. A magnetic field sensor

5. A proximity sensor

The goal of our project is the design of a system for monitoring individuals’ activities for research purposes. Many mobile computing projects require contextual data in order to design the desired application. As mobile devices become increasingly powerful, we have learned to obtain contextual data without a sensor network, which is more expensive and complex.

Here, contextual data refers to users’ environmental and activity data. Our project can help developers obtain this form of data when designing context-aware systems.

This team is comprised of four graduate students at the University of Michigan’s School of Information: Zhenan Hong, Sangmi Park, Jessamyn Smallenburg, and Gary Suen.  Gary, Jessie, and Zhenan are second year HCI students, graduating in April, 2010.  Sang is a first year HCI student, graduating in the spring of 2011.

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